Language/ English Language Learners/ Critical Literacy
40 Hours
About the Course
Language and Literacy course will include rationale and developmental aims of the core curriculum component. Adult learners will learn about the development of how children learn to read and write and how it relates to the scope and sequence of materials and lessons in receptive and expressive language. Adult learners will learn about the visual and auditory perceptual experiences that are embedded in phonics, word analysis, vocabulary development, and storytelling. Adult learners will learn about the different aspects of writing: penmanship, spelling development, functions of words (grammar), and writer’s workshop model as a form of freedom for creative self-expression. Adult learners will learn about the different aspects of reading, such as: the science of reading, using a critical literacy lens approach in children’s literature, and supporting English Language Learners. In addition, adult learners will take into consideration culturally responsive language exploration through oral language enrichment that is connected to diverse cultures, such as sharing cultural knowledge and heritage.
Your Instructor
Sovandara Chhin & Liz Murray, EdD